Welcome to U. SCHUBERT

Springs designed for seals of highest demands

We are committed to this theme since 1986. During these years we have specialised in the production of tension springs for spring loaded seals made of premium quality materials such as polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for example. We provide you with springs ready to install and take over fitting them in your sealing rings. Thereby we realise and guarantee customer specific quality demands.

In our standard product range we offer meander springs as meter goods, cut to length, as well as photo-etched and bent. Moreover, our assortment lists helicoil springs in different dimensions as meter goods as well as ready-to-fit springs.

We guarantee you
- short term and on time delivery available from stock
- 100 % constant quality at the highest stage

To realise individual requests for your special springs our development department is voluntarily at your disposal.
Tension springs from U. Schubert
Get a first impression and inform yourself on the following pages about
- the company U. Schubert
- our products and offers
- our quality standards

Our company is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2008

reg.-no. : 061857 QM

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